Save time and maximise efficiencies with our Home Heating Design Service

Popular amongst self-builders, architects and those in trade, our free of charge home heating design service enables those working on new build or retrofit projects the opportunity to have a bespoke heating solution for the property created and specified under one roof.

On receipt of home design plans our technical team provides full heat loss calculations based on SR:50 guidelines, which prove compliance with Part L building regulations for new builds and ensures NZEB (nearly zero-energy building) standards are met.

As part of the specification process, correctly sized heating products based on the heat load for each individual room, are recommended from our Multiple Package Solutions offering including the main heat source required for the property and appropriate supporting technologies – hot water storage and modern heat emitters.

We will work alongside the project specifier to ensure from a heating perspective the Energy Performance Coefficient (EPC), the Carbon Performance Coefficient (CPC) and that 20% of the total energy use of buildings is sourced from renewables are all achieved.

Save time and maximise efficiencies with our Home Heating Design Service